Sunday 19 July 2015

matchox thunderbird 1

Above is a snap of a Thunderbird 1 by matchbox.

It was cheap to buy when it was originally released.And it still is at some secondary market sellers.

So that leaves some small change left over to buy some snacks.For example a cadbury's crunchie bar.

Thanks for looking at my post.

Monday 6 July 2015

Matchbox Thunderbird 2

Above is a snap of a Thunderbird 2 by matchbox.

It was cheap to buy when it was originally released.And it still is at some secondary market sellers.

So that leaves some small change left over to buy some snacks for teatime. For example, birds eye fish fingers.Teatime is also known as Afternoon Tea 

For some reason Thunderbirds was always  usually shown at teatime.

Thanks for looking at my post.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Thunderbird 4

Above is a snap of a Thunderbird 1 and also a thunderbird 4 by matchbox.
The thunderbird 4 is from the pod that came with thunderbird 2.

  These were cheap to buy when they were originally released.And they still are at some secondary market sellers.

So that leaves some small change left over to buy some snacks.For example birds eye cod fishfingers.

Thanks for looking at my post.