Tuesday 4 November 2014

Konami Enterprise-E and Eaglemoss Enterprise-E

In the picture below We have two versions of the NCC 1701-E.On the left hand side is the konami enterprise-e and on the right is the eaglemoss version...
Konami Enterprise-E and Eaglemoss Enterprise-E

As you can see the eaglemoss version is slightly obscured by its display stand.

No longer in production,today the konami version of the enterprise-e currently sells for nearly thirty six pounds including postage and packing from some sellers on ebay.

So, supposing i didn't have the konami version of the ncc-1701-E what could i have bought with that thirty six pounds?

Well, in this case i could have  bought 27 Sainsbury's Tiger/Giraffe Bread (800g)

Thanks for looking at my post.

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