Saturday 8 November 2014

USS Enterprise NCC 1701 (2009) and USS Reliant by eaglemoss

Below are the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (2009) from the movie Star Trek  and the USS Reliant NCC -1864 from the 1982 movie Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan.Both of these models are from Eaglemoss.

I do like these Models from Star Trek:The official Starship Collection by Eaglemoss.They are highly detailed and i got a free magazine as well which was very informative.

In my opinion this magazine is just as good the star trek reference books of the past Such as Mr.Scotts guide to the enterprise or the Captains logs.For example  i couldn't visualize how Mr Scott's ship from the episode Relics of Star trek The Next generation was a reuse/modification of a shuttlecraft.Even though they explained that this was done in earlier reference books

.So when one of the mags showed how this process was done , the magazine cleared a small mystery for me.And my estimation for the magazine increased.Because now it was not only just a good read ,such as  a starlog magazine,for example,.But it also became  fun reference material just like the star trek encyclopedia.

 This version of the Enterprise cost me nearly twenty one pounds when it was released.I'm glad i got it when i did..But now,i have seen it on sale at  amazon for nearly 72 pounds including postage and packing.That is nearly three times its original price.And the USS Reliant cost me Nine pounds  and ninety nine pence  and now costs nearly thirty three pounds on ebay including postage.But that depends on which seller you buy from and their geographical location.

So assuming i do not have the  eaglemoss USS enterprise NCC-1701 (2009) and the USS Reliant NCC-1864,what  else could i spend one hundred and five pounds on instead?

To make the study simple i will limit the choice only to food.So in this case i could have spent that money on packets of bread or any combinations of food  up to that price limit. of one hundred and five pounds.

Thanks for looking at my post.

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